I explore the theme of “the intersection of repetition and change,” using the shared cultural understanding of adornment as a foundation to question the transformation of bodily perception in contemporary society and the implications of technological advancement in the post-human era. For tens of thousands of years, adornment has reflected the living environments of different eras and social strata, as well as the underlying human nature and societal structures. In particular, the act of “wearing” serves as a medium where material, body, memory, sensation, and spirit intersect, generating a multilayered dialogue between the work, the creator, the wearer, and the viewer.
In today’s world, the evolution of the internet and the widespread use of social media have blurred the boundaries between the physical and digital realms, demanding a redefinition of space and time. This transformation is deeply linked to contemporary theories of the body and post-humanism, highlighting social issues such as the diminishing presence of physicality and the fluidity of identity. My work responds to these discussions, as well as the societal shifts I experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic, by integrating traditional craftsmanship with the latest digital technologies. Through this synthesis, I seek to visualize the transformation of material, the accumulation of time, the significance of memory and sensation embedded in the body, and the possibilities of a new bodily existence in the future.
The traditional metalworking and jewelry techniques I have chosen from both Japanese and Western traditions are not merely methods of making; they function as systems of knowledge passed down through time and as repositories of communal memory. The traces left by the repetition of handcraft—marks that cannot be captured in digital form—become the core of my work.
Mar. 2025 Takayoshi Terajima
2025年 3月 寺嶋孝佳