about 20 mm / Start from 2020
Japanese lacquer(URUSHI), My family's hair(My father, my mother, my wife and myself), silk

- The death of my grandmother and the birth of my child
- Imagining the Future of the Family
- Visualizing Family History
- A "pearl" is a symbol of each person
- Inheritance and addition of "beads"
- Strong materials (lacquer and hair) that have remained for over 3000 years
- When will the work be completed?
- Families diversifying with the times
- Fertility Decline / Offspring Prosperity
- Succession Issues/Transmission of Traditional Techniques
- Environmental issues / Securing natural materials
- This jewelry will never be completed forever
- I don't want this jewelry to be completed forever

- 祖母の死去と我が子の誕生
- 家族の未来を想像
- 家族史の視覚化
- 1つの“珠”が各人の象徴
- “珠”の継承と追加
- 3000年以上残り続ける強い素材(漆と毛髪)
- 作品の完成はいつなのか?
- 時代に合わせて多様化する家族の形
- 少子化問題/子孫繁栄
- 後継者問題/伝統技術の伝承
- 環境問題/自然素材の確保
- このジュエリーは永遠に完成することはない
- このジュエリーは永遠に完成してほしくない
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